Oman Air WY6183 / OMA6183 Flight details & Flight status
The international Oman Air flight WY6183 / OMA6183 departs from Doha [DOH], Qatar and flies to Imam Khomeini [IKA], Iran.
The estimated flight duration is 2:35 hours and the distance is 1130 kilometers.
Departure is today 10/10/2024 at 18:40 +03 at Doha from Terminal -- Gate --.
Scheduled WY6183 / OMA6183 arrival is today 10/10/2024 at 21:15 +0330 at Imam Khomeini Airport at Terminal -- Gate --.
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
10-09-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 cancelled |
10-08-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 cancelled |
10-07-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
10-06-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 cancelled |
10-05-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 cancelled |
10-04-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 cancelled |
10-03-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 cancelled |
10-02-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 cancelled |
10-01-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:07 | 21:14 diverted to DOH |
09-30-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:03 | 21:14 arrived |
09-29-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:19 | 21:33 arrived + 18 Min |
09-28-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:02 | 21:16 arrived + 1 Min |
09-27-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:04 | 21:13 arrived |
09-26-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:57 | 21:08 arrived |
09-25-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:59 | 21:06 arrived |
09-24-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:04 | 21:12 arrived |
09-23-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:54 | 21:01 arrived |
09-22-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:00 | 21:02 arrived |
09-21-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:52 | 20:59 arrived |
09-20-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:11 | 21:15 arrived |
09-19-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:12 | 21:19 arrived + 4 Min |
09-18-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:16 | 21:26 arrived + 11 Min |
09-17-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:23 | 21:31 arrived |
09-16-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:07 | 21:20 arrived + 5 Min |
09-15-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 19:06 | 21:23 arrived + 8 Min |
09-14-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:55 | 21:04 arrived |
09-13-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:59 | 21:06 arrived |
09-12-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:05 | 16:15 arrived |
09-11-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:03 | 16:15 arrived |
09-10-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 13:59 | 16:08 arrived |
09-09-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:01 | 16:05 arrived |
09-08-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:08 | 16:17 arrived |
09-07-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:04 | 16:11 arrived |
09-06-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
09-06-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:11 | 16:11 arrived |
09-05-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
09-05-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:07 | 16:12 arrived |
09-04-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:57 | 21:15 unknown |
09-04-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:57 | 17:00 arrived |
09-03-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
09-03-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:20 | 16:26 arrived |
09-02-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
09-02-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:04 | 16:11 arrived |
09-01-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:07 | 16:15 arrived |
08-31-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:05 | 16:15 arrived |
08-30-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
08-29-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
08-29-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:07 | 16:19 arrived |
08-28-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
08-28-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 14:22 | 16:36 arrived + 6 Min |
08-27-2024 | WY6183 | Doha | Imam Khomeini | 18:40 | 21:15 unknown |
What is the current flight status of WY6183?
The current flight status of WY6183 is cancelled.
What is the current departure and arrival time of Oman Air WY6183?
Flight WY6183 departure is 18:40 (Oct 09) and the arrival is 21:15 (Oct 09).
How long does the flight WY6183 from Doha to Imam Khomeini take?
The average flight duration from Doha to Imam Khomeini is 1 hours and 54 minutes. The flight distance is 1130 km / 702 miles.
What is the average delay of flight WY6183?
The average delay of flight WY6183 is 7 minutes and the on-time rate is 86%.
What is the Airline of WY6183?
The airline of WY6183 is Oman Air. Goto Oman Air flight status