QTR56Y is a flight from London to Doha. This flight departs from London Heathrow Airport on 02/12/2025 at 8:23 . The arrival at Doha Airport is on 02/12/2025 at 17:49. The estimated flight duration is 9:26. Flight QTR56Y covers a distance of 5242 km between London (LHR) and Doha (DOH). The aircraft type is a Boeing 777-3DZ(ER) B77W from Qatar Airways.

Qatar Airways QTR56Y / Flight details & Flight status
The international Qatar Airways flight QTR56Y / departs from London [LHR], United Kingdom and flies to Doha [DOH], Qatar.
The estimated flight duration is 9:26 hours and the distance is 5242 kilometers.
Departure is today 2/12/2025 at 8:23 GMT at London Heathrow from .
Scheduled QTR56Y / arrival is today 02/12/2025 at 17:49 +03 at Doha Airport at .
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
02-12-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:23 | 17:31 unknown |
02-11-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:22 | 17:39 unknown |
02-10-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:28 | 17:30 unknown |
02-09-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:25 | 17:26 unknown |
02-07-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:26 | 17:18 unknown |
02-06-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:22 | 17:18 unknown |
02-05-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:27 | 17:23 unknown |
02-04-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:29 | 17:21 unknown |
02-03-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:24 | 17:05 unknown |
01-30-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:28 | 17:29 unknown |
01-27-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:27 | 17:28 unknown |
01-24-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:28 | 17:20 unknown |
01-23-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:25 | 17:31 unknown |
01-22-2025 | QTR56Y | London | Doha | 08:23 | 17:36 unknown |
What is the current flight status of QTR56Y?
The current flight status of QTR56Y is scheduled.
What is the current departure and arrival time of QTR56Y?
Flight QTR56Y departure is 8:23 (Feb 12) and the arrival is 17:49 (Feb 12).
How long does the flight QTR56Y from London to Doha take?
The average flight duration from London to Doha is 5 hours and 59 minutes. The flight distance is 5242 km / 3257 miles.
What is the average delay of flight QTR56Y?
The average delay of flight QTR56Y is 0 minutes and the on-time rate is 100%.