
LS1827 is a flight from Bristol to Fuerteventura. This flight departs from Bristol Airport on 02/19/2025 at 10:01 . The arrival at Fuerteventura Airport is on 02/19/2025 at 13:47. The estimated flight duration is 3:46. Flight LS1827 covers a distance of 2714 km between Bristol (BRS) and Fuerteventura (FUE). The aircraft type is a Boeing 737-8JP B738 from Jet2. More (LS) flights can be found on Flight Status.

Jet2 LS1827 / EXS1827 Flight details & Flight status
The international Jet2 flight LS1827 / EXS1827 departs from Bristol [BRS], United Kingdom and flies to Fuerteventura [FUE], Spain.
The estimated flight duration is 3:46 hours and the distance is 2714 kilometers.
Departure is today 2/19/2025 at 10:01 GMT at Bristol from .
Scheduled LS1827 / EXS1827 arrival is today 02/19/2025 at 13:47 WET at Fuerteventura Airport at .
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
02-19-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:01 | 13:47 In Air |
02-17-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:38 | 14:34 arrived + 4 Min |
02-15-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:08 | 14:07 arrived + 7 Min |
02-12-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:15 | 13:54 arrived |
02-10-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:32 | 14:19 arrived |
02-08-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 11:23 | 14:51 arrived + 51 Min |
02-05-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:02 | 13:34 arrived |
02-03-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:40 | 14:01 arrived |
02-01-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:02 | 13:19 arrived |
01-29-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:10 | 13:57 arrived |
01-27-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:36 | 14:28 arrived |
01-25-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:09 | 14:07 arrived + 7 Min |
01-22-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:14 | 14:10 arrived + 10 Min |
01-20-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:44 | 14:33 arrived + 3 Min |
01-18-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:13 | 13:44 arrived |
01-15-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:04 | 13:38 arrived |
01-13-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:33 | 14:00 arrived |
01-11-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:26 | 13:41 arrived |
01-08-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:14 | 14:15 arrived + 15 Min |
01-06-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:41 | 14:14 arrived |
01-04-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:22 | 14:11 arrived + 11 Min |
01-01-2025 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:09 | 13:40 arrived |
12-30-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:41 | 14:19 arrived |
12-28-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:29 | 14:09 arrived + 9 Min |
12-26-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:26 | 14:19 arrived + 19 Min |
12-23-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:44 | 14:21 unknown |
12-21-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:16 | 13:53 arrived |
12-18-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:13 | 14:00 arrived + 10 Min |
12-16-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:39 | 14:31 arrived + 1 Min |
12-14-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:19 | 14:05 arrived + 5 Min |
12-11-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:01 | 13:41 arrived |
12-09-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:36 | 14:16 arrived |
12-07-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 16:02 | 19:44 arrived + 344 Min |
12-04-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:00 | 13:24 arrived |
12-02-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:36 | 14:07 arrived |
11-30-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:49 | 14:36 arrived + 36 Min |
11-27-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:03 | 13:45 arrived |
11-25-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:46 | 14:26 arrived |
11-23-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:18 | 14:02 arrived + 2 Min |
11-20-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:15 | 13:44 arrived |
11-18-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 11:02 | 14:53 arrived + 23 Min |
11-16-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:47 | 14:42 arrived + 42 Min |
11-13-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:04 | 13:31 arrived |
11-11-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:41 | 14:08 arrived |
11-09-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:23 | 14:07 arrived + 7 Min |
11-06-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:06 | 13:32 arrived |
11-04-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:33 | 14:27 arrived |
11-02-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:04 | 13:39 arrived |
10-30-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 10:09 | 13:49 arrived |
10-28-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 06:21 | 09:37 arrived |
10-26-2024 | LS1827 | Bristol | Fuerteventura | 08:04 | 11:39 arrived + 69 Min |
What is the current flight status of LS1827?
The current flight status of LS1827 is In Air.
What is the current departure and arrival time of LS1827?
Flight LS1827 departure is 10:01 (Feb 19) and the arrival is 13:47 (Feb 19).
How long does the flight LS1827 from Bristol to Fuerteventura take?
The average flight duration from Bristol to Fuerteventura is 3 hours and 49 minutes. The flight distance is 2714 km / 1686 miles.
What is the average delay of flight LS1827?
The average delay of flight LS1827 is 33 minutes and the on-time rate is 60%.
What is the Airline of LS1827?
The airline of LS1827 is Goto flight status
Live Aircraft Info LS1827 | |
HEX Code | 40803C |
Call Sign | EXS19JS |
Squawk | N/A |
Country | United Kingdom |
Latitude | 40.07 |
Longitude | -7.89 |
Current Altitude (m) | 11278 |
Current Speed (km/h) | 880 |
Track | 196.0 |
Vertical Speed Indicator | 0 |
Pressure (InHg) | 30.12 |