
LO229 is a LOT - Polish Airlines flight from Warsaw to Innsbruck. This flight departs from Warsaw Chopin Airport on 01/26/2025 at 13:47 . The arrival at Innsbruck Airport is on 01/26/2025 at 15:14. The estimated flight duration is 1:27. Flight LO229 covers a distance of 880 km between Warsaw (WAW) and Innsbruck (INN). The aircraft type is a Boeing 737-86N B738 from LOT. More LOT - Polish Airlines (LO) flights can be found on LOT - Polish Airlines Flight Status.

LOT LO229 / LOT229 Flight details & Flight status
The international LOT flight LO229 / LOT229 departs from Warsaw [WAW], Poland and flies to Innsbruck [INN], Austria.
The estimated flight duration is 1:27 hours and the distance is 880 kilometers.
Departure is 1/26/2025 at 13:47 CET at Warsaw Chopin from .
Scheduled LO229 / LOT229 arrival is today 02/19/2025 at 15:14 CET at Innsbruck Airport at .
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
02-16-2025 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 14:45 | 16:04 arrived + 54 Min |
02-09-2025 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:47 | 15:05 arrived |
02-02-2025 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:53 | 15:12 arrived + 2 Min |
01-26-2025 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:47 | 15:14 arrived + 4 Min |
01-19-2025 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:44 | 15:02 arrived |
01-12-2025 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:59 | 15:13 arrived + 3 Min |
01-05-2025 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:53 | 15:18 arrived + 8 Min |
12-29-2024 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:52 | 15:11 arrived + 1 Min |
12-22-2024 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:55 | 15:10 diverted to MUC |
12-15-2024 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:53 | 15:05 arrived |
12-08-2024 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:46 | 15:10 diverted to MUC |
12-01-2024 | LO229 | Warsaw | Innsbruck | 13:57 | 15:12 arrived + 2 Min |
08-01-2019 | LO229 | LHR | BWI | 16:08 | 19:06 arrived + 6 Min |
What is the current flight status of LO229?
The current flight status of LO229 is arrived.
What is the current departure and arrival time of LOT - Polish Airlines LO229?
Flight LO229 departure is 13:47 (Jan 26) and the arrival is 15:14 (Jan 26).
How long does the flight LO229 from Warsaw to Innsbruck take?
The average flight duration from Warsaw to Innsbruck is 1 hours and 31 minutes. The flight distance is 880 km / 546 miles.
What is the average delay of flight LO229?
The average delay of flight LO229 is 10 minutes and the on-time rate is 38%.
What is the Airline of LO229?
The airline of LO229 is LOT - Polish Airlines. Goto LOT - Polish Airlines flight status