Korean Air KE3985 / KAL3985 Flight details & Flight status
The national Korean Air flight KE3985 / KAL3985 departs from Cincinnati-northern Kentucky [CVG], United States and flies to Logan, Boston [BOS], United States.
The estimated flight duration is 1:45 hours and the distance is 1208 kilometers.
Departure is today 10/8/2024 at 7:20 EDT at Cincinnati-northern Kentucky from Terminal 3 Gate B11.
Scheduled KE3985 / KAL3985 arrival is today 10/08/2024 at 9:05 EDT at Logan Airport at Terminal A Gate A9.
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
10-05-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:20 | 09:05 arrived |
10-02-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:05 | 08:52 arrived |
09-29-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:00 | 08:51 arrived |
09-28-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:00 | 08:43 arrived |
09-27-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:08 | 08:46 arrived |
09-26-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:58 | 08:42 arrived |
09-19-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:59 | 08:52 arrived |
09-13-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:09 | 08:56 arrived |
09-10-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:56 | 08:38 arrived |
09-09-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:54 | 08:42 arrived |
09-07-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:57 | 08:37 arrived |
09-05-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:01 | 08:51 arrived |
09-01-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 08:12 | 10:07 unknown |
08-28-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:41 | 09:18 arrived + 11 Min |
08-27-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:06 | 08:58 arrived |
08-26-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:00 | 08:49 arrived |
08-23-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:05 | 08:49 arrived |
08-19-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:08 | 08:50 arrived |
08-18-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:53 | 09:39 arrived |
08-15-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:05 | 08:56 arrived |
08-13-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:59 | 08:42 arrived |
08-12-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:05 | 08:51 arrived |
08-11-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:50 | 09:27 arrived |
08-10-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:01 | 08:34 arrived |
08-09-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:05 | 08:52 arrived |
08-07-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:40 | 09:19 arrived + 12 Min |
08-05-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:59 | 09:44 arrived |
08-01-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:06 | 08:50 arrived |
07-31-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:00 | 08:46 arrived |
07-30-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:59 | 08:41 arrived |
07-28-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:48 | 09:39 arrived |
07-26-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:25 | 09:13 arrived + 6 Min |
07-25-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:05 | 08:46 arrived |
07-24-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:07 | 08:50 arrived |
07-23-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 08:05 | 09:48 arrived + 41 Min |
07-22-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:16 | 08:56 arrived |
07-21-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:53 | 09:33 arrived |
07-20-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:04 | 08:44 arrived |
07-19-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 09:21 | 11:08 arrived + 121 Min |
07-18-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:10 | 08:51 arrived |
07-16-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:00 | 08:38 arrived |
07-15-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:06 | 09:02 arrived |
07-14-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:52 | 09:41 arrived |
07-12-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:01 | 08:47 arrived |
07-11-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:05 | 08:40 arrived |
07-05-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:12 | 08:48 arrived |
07-04-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:20 | 08:57 arrived |
07-02-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:09 | 08:59 arrived |
06-25-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:58 | 08:43 arrived |
06-24-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 07:00 | 08:35 arrived |
06-23-2024 | KE3985 | Cincinnati-northern Kentucky | Logan, Boston | 06:54 | 08:40 arrived |
What is the current flight status of KE3985?
The current flight status of KE3985 is arrived.
What is the current departure and arrival time of Korean Air KE3985?
Flight KE3985 departure is 7:20 (Oct 05) and the arrival is 9:05 (Oct 05).
How long does the flight KE3985 from Cincinnati-northern Kentucky to Logan, Boston take?
The average flight duration from Cincinnati-northern Kentucky to Logan, Boston is 1 hours and 47 minutes. The flight distance is 1208 km / 750 miles.
What is the average delay of flight KE3985?
The average delay of flight KE3985 is 38 minutes and the on-time rate is 90%.
Which terminal and gate is the flight KE3985 arriving at?
Flight KE3985 arrives at Logan, Boston Airport (AYT) Terminal A, Gate A9.
What is the Airline of KE3985?
The airline of KE3985 is Korean Air. Goto Korean Air flight status