EXS28QJ is a flight from Tenerife South-Reina Sofia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Glasgow. This flight departs from Tenerife South-Reina Sofia Airport on 11/30/2024 at 14:40 . The arrival at Glasgow Airport is on 11/30/2024 at 18:53. The estimated flight duration is 4:13. Flight EXS28QJ covers a distance of 3242 km between Tenerife South-Reina Sofia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (TFS) and Glasgow (GLA).
Jet2 EXS28QJ / Flight details & Flight status
The international Jet2 flight EXS28QJ / departs from Tenerife South-Reina Sofia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife [TFS], Spain and flies to Glasgow [GLA], United Kingdom.
The estimated flight duration is 4:13 hours and the distance is 3242 kilometers.
Departure is today 12/2/2024 at 14:40 WET at Tenerife South-Reina Sofia from .
Scheduled EXS28QJ / arrival is today 12/02/2024 at 18:53 GMT at Glasgow Airport at .
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
11-30-2024 | EXS28QJ | Tenerife South-Reina Sofia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife | Glasgow | 14:40 | 18:43 unknown |
11-02-2024 | EXS28QJ | Tenerife South-Reina Sofia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife | Glasgow | 14:40 | 19:03 unknown |
What is the current flight status of EXS28QJ?
The current flight status of EXS28QJ is unknown.
What is the current departure and arrival time of EXS28QJ?
Flight EXS28QJ departure is 14:40 (Nov 30) and the arrival is 18:53 (Nov 30).
How long does the flight EXS28QJ from Tenerife South-Reina Sofia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Glasgow take?
The average flight duration from Tenerife South-Reina Sofia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Glasgow is 4 hours and 13 minutes. The flight distance is 3242 km / 2014 miles.
What is the average delay of flight EXS28QJ?
The average delay of flight EXS28QJ is 0 minutes and the on-time rate is 100%.