EXS037F is a flight from Dublin to Dublin. This flight departs from Dublin Airport on 02/05/2025 at 13:47 . The arrival at Dublin Airport is on 02/05/2025 at 15:35. The estimated flight duration is 1:48. Flight EXS037F covers a distance of 0 km between Dublin (DUB) and Dublin (DUB). The aircraft type is a Boeing 737-8K5 B738 from Jet2.

Jet2 EXS037F / Flight details & Flight status
The national Jet2 flight EXS037F / departs from Dublin [DUB], Ireland and flies to Dublin [DUB], Ireland.
The estimated flight duration is 1:48 hours and the distance is 0 kilometers.
Departure is today 2/18/2025 at 13:47 GMT at Dublin from .
Scheduled EXS037F / arrival is today 02/18/2025 at 15:35 GMT at Dublin Airport at .
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
02-05-2025 | EXS037F | Dublin | Dublin | 13:47 | 15:35 arrived + 183 Min |
12-15-2024 | EXS037F | MAN | MAN | 15:28 | 17:46 diverted to LBA + 63 Min |
08-27-2023 | EXS037F | MAN | LBA | 07:40 | 07:59 unknown |
What is the current flight status of EXS037F?
The current flight status of EXS037F is arrived.
What is the current departure and arrival time of EXS037F?
Flight EXS037F departure is 13:47 (Feb 05) and the arrival is 15:35 (Feb 05).
How long does the flight EXS037F from Dublin to Dublin take?
The average flight duration from Dublin to Dublin is 1 hours and 30 minutes. The flight distance is 0 km / 0 miles.
What is the average delay of flight EXS037F?
The average delay of flight EXS037F is 123 minutes and the on-time rate is 33%.