Skyline Express 4M939 / UTN939 Flight details & Flight status
The international Skyline Express flight 4M939 / UTN939 departs from Milas [BJV], Turkey and flies to Lennart Meri, Tallinn [TLL], Estonia.
The estimated flight duration is 3:43 hours and the distance is 2473 kilometers.
Departure is today 11/4/2024 at 9:55 +03 at Milas-Bodrum from .
Scheduled 4M939 / UTN939 arrival is today 11/04/2024 at 13:38 EET at Lennart Meri Airport at .
Date | Flight | from | to | Departure | Arrival Status |
10-19-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 09:55 | 13:38 arrived + 7 Min |
10-12-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:00 | 13:27 arrived |
10-05-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:06 | 13:19 arrived |
09-28-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:07 | 13:18 arrived + 1 Min |
09-21-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:01 | 13:26 arrived |
09-14-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:11 | 13:26 arrived |
09-07-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:05 | 13:35 arrived |
07-06-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:15 | 13:45 arrived + 11 Min |
06-29-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:28 | 13:57 arrived + 18 Min |
06-22-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:19 | 13:43 arrived + 13 Min |
06-15-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:51 | 14:23 arrived + 45 Min |
06-08-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:03 | 13:35 arrived |
06-01-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:23 | 13:46 arrived + 20 Min |
05-25-2024 | 4M939 | Milas | Lennart Meri, Tallinn | 10:38 | 14:07 arrived + 30 Min |
What is the current flight status of 4M939?
The current flight status of 4M939 is arrived.
What is the current departure and arrival time of Mavi Gök Airlines (MGA) 4M939?
Flight 4M939 departure is 9:55 (Oct 19) and the arrival is 13:38 (Oct 19).
How long does the flight 4M939 from Milas to Lennart Meri, Tallinn take?
The average flight duration from Milas to Lennart Meri, Tallinn is 3 hours and 26 minutes. The flight distance is 2473 km / 1536 miles.
What is the average delay of flight 4M939?
The average delay of flight 4M939 is 18 minutes and the on-time rate is 42%.
What is the Airline of 4M939?
The airline of 4M939 is Mavi Gök Airlines (MGA). Goto Mavi Gök Airlines (MGA) flight status